Does pepper spray leave permanent damage?

No, it does not, it is completely non-toxic and pepper spray is classified as a non-lethal tool making it the best and necessary self-defenses tool in today’s world
However, in most cases, it is found to be completely harmless, in general, it will show short-term effects only.
There is no immediate cure for its exposure but its effects get healed by themselves within 2 to 3 hours, you might feel itching the next morning but that will also go away with milk or water wash splashes exercise leaving no permanent damage to any body part until and unless you are exposed to pepper spray regularly that can harm your eyes, lungs and eyes and make you more prone to many such diseases.
If you are not exposed to pepper spray regularly then it is safe for you and its painful effects will be gone in a few hours and you will not have to worry about any permanent damage.
Effects which a Pepper Spray can cause:
- Causes an intense burning sensation
- Causes inflammation in the eyes, nose, mouth and lungs.
- Eyes get shut from intense burning
- Temporary blindness for a short period
- Avoid using any kind of oil or foaming cleaner
- The effects can last between 30 minutes to 2 hours.
- Antidotes for pepper spray include milk and Dawn
- Use non-oil-based soap to get it off your skin.
- Clear the infected area immediately as it can affect who has sprayed
As we can see there are many effects directly related to lungs, eyes, mouth, throat and skin which also includes the main damage of temporary blindness but from all experiences and studies till now we have only seen that these effects are mostly temporary and not any damage has seen permanent of nature has been seen from a pepper spray.
If you are looking for a best Pepper Spray to buy online you can Click Here to See Result for Best Pepper Spray for Women.
You can browse and choose from a wide assortment of Pepper Spray online for men and women on BESAFE Forever Store
These are also available on and
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