Posted on: September 28, 2022 Posted by: Karan Hans Comments: 0

Do I need to use an eye mask day and night?

Not going to be elaborate on this topic because the answer to this is very simple if you need to use an eye mask at night or during the day time is totally a question to be asked yourself. For example, if you are a night owl and like to study during the night only or you work at night time and get to sleep only during the day. You definitely need some blind curtains and an eye mask to keep the sunlight away from your bed.

If you are a frequent traveller, you go travelling in flight, trains, different hotels every day then it is a necessity for you and you will notice that you have to use it a night as well as day.

BESAFE Forever Premium Sleeping Eye Mask with mesh for men and women 5
BESAFE Forever Premium Sleeping Eye Mask with mesh for men and women

There is no time effect when you are using an eye mask. It is as useful as when you need it. Its main purpose is to provide you with an environment by blocking the light which can disturb your sleep and make you fall asleep deeply.

If you want to know if you really need to use an eye mask during the day or night then you are the best person who can answer this.

Here we are providing a few questions whose answers might help you decide if you need an eye mask or not.

  • Does your partner keeps his side of a lamp on while sleeping
  • Do you often sleep during day time?
  • Do you have blackout curtains?
  • Does your sleeping environment dark enough for you?
  • Are you getting enough sleep?
  • Do you overthink a lot before sleeping?
  • Are you afraid of closing your eyes?
  • Do you like to keep lights on during your sleep but can not sleep because of it?

If you can somehow relate to these questions in the back of your mind then we would recommend you try a sleeping mask during your sleep. The main aim of these questions is to find any linkage between disturbance in your sleeping environment and your improper sleep.

If you are looking for a best Sleeping Mask to buy online you can Click Here to See Result for Best Sleeping Mask for Women.

You can browse and choose from a wide assortment of Sleeping Mask online for men and women on BESAFE Forever Store

These are also available on and

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