Posted on: September 28, 2022 Posted by: BE SAFE Forever Comments: 0

Can sleep masks damage the eyes?

A sleep mask with a secure fit will damage the eyes irrespective of any fibre it is made of.

The sleep mask is nothing, just a piece of cloth wrapped around your eyes to make you feel more comfortable. How is it even going to damage your eyes?

BESAFE Forever Premium Sleeping Eye Mask with mesh for men and women 2
BESAFE Forever Premium Sleeping Eye Mask with mesh for men and women

There can be a certain situation where it can harm you for instance

  • If you are not wearing the good fit size of your head then it might hurt your head only not your eyes.
  • It is important to clean your eye mask regularly. If you are not washing it often it might collect dirt from your room and that might not be good for your eyes.
  • Wearing It when it is not required can bump things and hurt your legs
  • Unwearing it first thing in the morning or might you get stuck to a wall which will hurt your face or nose.

Many people have blamed eye masks for damaging their eyes and after a respectful study, it was seen that it was their eye medication which was not doing well.

So check all the grounds if you’re going through pain in your eyes, eye masks are well-designed tools to make you more comfortable and not damage your eyes.

Using it in the proper sense is a productivity hack for you in many situations. It has a lot of benefits which we can not imagine.

There are several benefits of taking an eye mask as a habit and I can not count one disadvantage if you do not have any sleeping problem, you can get your sleep on time and full 7-8 without any disturbance congrats lucky you, you don’t need an eye mask or sleeping mask even not any of gummies or pills or music. But if you are struggling to get a good quality sleep believe me getting a sleep mask is still a blessing for some people.

If you are looking for a best Sleeping Mask to buy online you can Click Here to See Result for Best Sleeping Mask for Women.

You can browse and choose from a wide assortment of Sleeping Mask online for men and women on BESAFE Forever Store

These are also available on and

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